

How to create a channel and invoke gRPC methods client side. One service per stub; however, you can have multiple stubs for the same service.

To construct the stub, pass the gRPC service as the first parameter and the IP:PORT you would like to connect to the server on for the second parameter.

NOTE: You may optionally pass a third parameter, a config object. The config matches the channel options that you can pass into the vanilla gRPC client constructor. If you instantiated your server with SSL for the port you are trying to connect to, you must pass the same certificate to the stub.

NOTE: The service in this instance comes from a built .proto packaged object, using the build function.

const { Stub } = require( "firecomm" );
const service = require("./service.js");
const sslCertificate = require("./sslCertificate.crt");
const stub = new Stub(
  { certificate: sslCertificate }

stub.sayHello().send( { greeting:"Hello world." } );

The primary functionality for the stub can be broken down as follows.

  1. The constructor, which will allow you to instantiate a channel for that service.
  2. Your gRPC methods from your proto service, which have been extended by Firecomm with added functionality and simplified syntax;
  3. The methods that are available on an ordinary gRPC client/channel.


The Stub constructor generates an instance of Firecomm's Stub class, which extends the native gRPC client-service instance. To connect with SSL, pass a cerificate path directly into the Stub.

const { Stub } = require( "firecomm" );
const service = require("./service.js");
const path = require("path");
const sslCertificate = path.join(__dirname, "./sslCertificate.crt");
const stub = new Stub(
  { certificate: sslCertificate }

gRPC Service Method Calls

After constructing a new instance of your service stub, all methods that are on the gRPC service will be available as methods on your stub.

gRPC client/channel methods

For a list of all of the gRPC options that can be passed into Stubs please see the gRPC-node official API reference.