
const { build } = require( 'firecomm' );
const proto_path = require( '../some/proto/path' );
const package = build( proto_path, { bytes: String } );
module.exports = package;

Build step function for compiling the proto into JavaScript., configObject)


NameType/PropertiesConfig ValuesDescription
proto_pathStringAbsolute path to the .proto file to be compiled into JavaScript
configObjectObjectOptional For configuring compilation. Takes up to nine optional properties
keepCasebooleanallows RPC methods to have strict camelCasing or PascalCasing within the compiled package.
longsString or Numberint64s, uint64s, sint64s, and fixed64s will be coerced into a String or a Number.
enumStringJava-like enumerable will be accessible from an Integer or from the Enumerable option written as a String
bytesString or ArraygRPC byteStrings will be coerced into a String or an Array.
defaultsbooleanallows the setting of default values for message types.
arraysbooleanallows the coercion of repeated message types into Arrays.
objectsbooleanallows the coercion of nested message types into Objects.
oneofsbooleanallows the setting of unique message types.

returns Package